
Catalonia’s day


Catalonia’s day

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Delve into Catalonia’s culture by joining the Diada.

On 11 September, the streets of all the towns in Catalonia are filled with celebrations, culture and many traditions that cover all age groups and audiences. From the hotel Bernat II we have found a video that we believe you can use to get to know more directly this day of September 11th and Catalan culture.

There are many unique spots in Catalonia. You can find the most beautiful coasts (Costa Brava, Golden Coast …) and the most spectacular mountainous places (Montserrat, the Gavarres, the pica of states, and many more). Apart from all the natural attractions, you can also get to know architectural and artistic elements that attract visitors from all over the world. A clear example is Gaudí’s various works or vestiges of Barcelona’s bourgeois past.

The essence of Catalonia in a single capsule that we want to share, today, with you.
Happy Catalonia Day!